andrea and ben and their perfectly rainy wedding day! i was shooting another wedding in wichita KS a few weeks before andrea and ben’s upcoming nuptials, when i received a text from fellow photographer jerry wang, to ask if he could second-shoot their wedding with me. more specifically i received a very happy selfie of jerry and andrea. this selfie…
how adorable is that? i should also mention they were hanging out because andrea’s sister had gotten married that day… that’s right. their parents married two daughters in the span of a month. PHEW. but i love when worlds collide. so it was obviously a no-brainer to bring jerry along. we had a perfect break in the weather to get wedding party portraits and some absolutely gorgeous images of andrea and ben, and her stunner of a dress that features three (3) cathedral-length veils’ worth of lace as trimming… and then we continued to have an absolute blast at the reception, playing with sparklers, umbrellas, lights, hilarious moments and lots of love.
hair: Keri Byers, Marysville
makeup: Melissa Bruna, Marysville
venue: hilton garden inn
church: st joseph’s catholic church
flowers: kistner’s
jewelry: nordstroms
DJ: complete music
huge thank you to jerry wang photography for second shooting with me on this awesome day.
click below for tunes to accompany your viewing. click images to view full screen.
check out their facebook album to share and use these images on social media soon!
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