so many portraits of interesting people in interesting places… the images that i love the most are rarely the ones that the client favors, or prints, so this year i just pulled anything that jumped out at me. even if you don’t know the faces in these images, there may be a smile on your face before the end.
family sessions are my bread and butter throughout the year. i can’t imagine not having some of my favorite families come back every year for new photos. i like to think their experience just gets better every time 😉 and it’s always fun to see my photographic style changes over time. the last year and a half have been an enormous growth period for me. i’m growing ever more pleased with my work as time goes on, and i hope those on the receiving end are too!
did i take your picture this year? i would love to hear from you about YOUR favorite image from your session and why. not the camera perfect photo, but one that encapsulates your resilience, joy, moving forward, a difficult moment etc. email if you want to participate!
first, music
now enjoy. here are some of the best families around, and their funny moments. click for slideshow version.
destination, alaska!
i don’t do many senior portrait sessions these days. but every time i do, i realize how much more put together seniors are these days than what i was at that age….
yoga portraits! yoga is one of my other most-favorite things to do. the people in these portraits are my mentors, teachers, friends, and have a yoga practice i can only aspire to at this point. but i’ll get there someday… i’m pretty lucky to get to go on numerous adventure shoots with these people each year and pepper in these different, and awesome photos to my daily routine
straight up style
sometimes people want a session just for themselves. sometimes i want a model or to try out a new technique or location… whatever the reason, i love one on one shoots since they usually turn out freakin’ awesome, like some of these photos below.
homecoming. i think these images pretty much sum up exactly what is felt at these.
thanks for sticking it out this long, if you made it! if you are a part of these images thank you for being part of my business, and my life this year. still to come are weddings, best of the animal shelter and personal projects!
Hey, I love your work. And I love you. Get it, girl.